Pink Cyclamen

Outside has always been an amazing place, the wind blowing, the smell of the grass, the feel of the hot Summer sun on your cheeks. Well, in this blog I'm am going to share with you some of the amazing things that nature brings in the world and some of the things I do in my daily life.

Today I wanted to show you this beautiful flower. It is called a Pink Cyclamen. Its blooming seasons are Spring, Summer, and Fall. Also, if you ever end up buying one, when the flower is done blooming, then put it in a cool dark place and let it sit there for one or two months. Then, take it out and start watering it again. Also, the Pink Cyclamen tends to do well in humid cool areas. It cannot be in a temperature below 40° degrees or else it will die. When watering it, do not water the petals because they will slowly rot.  

I hope you like this blog and I know I will definitely do more. Also, I will try to show you things like the sunrise. Or posts like this one where it gives you a description of a plant. Maybe I can also show you certain types of animals (like squirrels, birds, deer, etc.) I will try to do a post at least once a week. Have a great day!
